Our supplier NKT is the leading cable and cable accessories supplier to the energy sector.
Since 1891 they have been a pioneer in the northern cable industry. Today, they manufacture first-class, solid cables, cable accessories and system solutions.
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NKT is highly committed to sustainability and have been awarded platinum by EcoVadis, placing them in the top 1% globally. We are proud to work with manufacturers who value sustainability as much as we do. Read more about NKT's certifications below.
NKT is certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Read more about their certifications below.
REACH (Registration, Evaluation, and Authorization of Chemicals) is the European Union's chemical legislation that regulates the production and use of chemicals within the EU.
RoHS (Reduction of Hazardous Substances) is an EU regulation from 2006 that addresses the use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic products and equipment sold in the European market.
NKT is certified according to both standards. Read more below.
NKT is highly committed to engaging in sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. Read more about this below.
The health and safety of employees, suppliers, customers and partners is paramount to NKT with an aim of zero injuries. Read more.
NKT refrains from using conflict minerals and use the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) provided by the Responsible Minerals Initiative. This is increasing transparency in respect of the smelters and refiners used in their supply chain to ensure they are conformant.
NKT is extensively certified. View all of their certificates below.