Concealed installations
Concealed installations
We can assist you in concealing the base station by using designs that seamlessly blend into the infrastructure. This can involve shaping it like chimneys, trees, signs, or other elements that are already part of the surroundings.
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Building owners often require antennas to be concealed to approve the installation of antennas on buildings. This can be a challenge for telecom companies, as it often means they have to relocate the installation to a less optimal location, which can result in poorer coverage for customers.
With our specially designed camouflage solutions, you can easily conceal the antennas and get approval for installation in the optimal location. Our hidden installations can be disguised as trees, chimneys, signs, or seamlessly blend in with buildings.
Optimal coverage: You can place the installations where they provide optimal signal strength and coverage for your customers.
Aesthetic appealing solution: You avoid installations that disturb the surroundings.
Less resistance: Fewer complaints from residents and conservation personnel.
Buildings: Integrate the antennas into the facade or on the roof of buildings.
Parks: Camouflage the antennas as trees or sculptures.
Historical areas: Conceal the antennas in lighting or signs.
Rural areas: Integrate the antennas into the landscape with natural stone or wood.
Contact us to find out more about how we can conceal your installation.
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Other concealed installations
SKY FILM is designed to minimize the visual impact of your infrastructure. It's manufactured using multi-layer technology, providing a metallic sheen without the use of metal, creating a mirrored effect. This allows for the concealment of installations by seamlessly blending them into the surroundings.
Radio transparency:
Tests conducted at three angles of incidence (60°, 90°, and 120°) at 500 MHz confirm the preservation of radio transparency.
The film acts protectively and withstands temperatures from -60° to +68°.

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