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Fusion Splicer All-in-One, Active Alignment

SKU: Swift-K4-A

Swift KF4A is a highly advanced and precise ACTIVE cladding alignment fusion splicer. It is specifically designed to seamlessly perform five major multifunctional tasks: stripping, cleaning, cleaving, splicing, and sleeving. Additionally, the machine can be equipped with an Optical Power Meter and V.F.L (Visual Fault Locator) as optional devices. This allows users to instantly verify the splice result without requiring additional tools. (ALLINONE+, KF4A+)

The Swift KF4A is the ideal solution for fusion splicing and fusion Splice-On Connector (SOC) applications in FTTH networks. It addresses the inherent issues associated with conventional mechanical connectors, such as poor quality, low durability, and high maintenance costs. By utilizing Swift KF4A with fusion Splice-On-Connector, customers can achieve the best return on investment (ROI).  


  • Electrode life of up to 38,000 splices 

  • The rotating blade has a lifetime of up to 110,000 cleavings and the height can be adjusted up to 0.12mm 

  • Remote maintenance via Internet 

  • 7 functions integrated into one unit. (Stripping, Cleaning, Cleaving, Splicing, Protecting) + (Built-in Power meter/Fault Locator-OPTION)  

  • The fusion splicer with ALL-IN-ONE system provides the best workability on the pole and in limited work spaces 

  • Heated stripping ensures scratch-free fiber, which extends the tensile of fiber strength by 2kgf or more  

  • Compatible with Fusion Splice-On Connector (FSOC) in accordance with industrial standards 

  • Enterprise, Data Center, Broadband and FTTH network applications 

Standard package includes 

  • Cooling tray 

  • Hard case 

  • Battery, 3,400mAh 

  • AC Adapter 100-240V 

  • Fiber holder 

  • USB cable 

Glenn Barmen
Business Area Manager Maritime Show phone Show e-mail
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