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WIFI SMA antenna



  • Frequency range

    2400 ~ 2483 MHz

  • Polarization

    Linear (vertical)

  • Gain

    5.0 dBi

  • VSWR


  • Impedance

    50 Ω

  • Connector type

    RP-SMA Male

  • Operating temperature

    –40 °C ~ +85 °C

  • IP rating


  • RoHS compliant

Thomas Ertresvåg
Sales manager Show phone Show e-mail
RUT140 Industrial Ethernet Router

The RUT140 is a compact industrial Ethernet router, enhancing security through network isolation for end devices. Equipped with two Ethernet ports, DIN rail bracket, and an industrial 3-pin connector, it ensures seamless connectivity and easy installation. The router comes with RutOS, Wi-Fi 4, and supports industrial protocols such as Modbus, DLMS, DNP3, and OPC UA, and is compatible with RMS for efficient remote and on-site management.

SKU: RUT140000000
RUT142 RS232 Industrial Router

The RUT142 is a compact industrial Ethernet router, enhancing security through network isolation for end devices. Equipped with the RS232 serial interface, two Ethernet ports, DIN rail bracket, and an industrial 3-pin connector, it ensures seamless connectivity and easy installation. The router comes with RutOS, Wi-Fi 4, and supports industrial protocols such as Modbus, DLMS, DNP3, and OPC UA, and is compatible with RMS for efficient remote and on-site management.

SKU: RUT142000000
RUT200 Industrial Cellular Router w/EU PSU

RUT200 er en kompakt industriell mobilrouter som tilbyr pålitelig, kritisk tilkobling i krevende forhold som er vanlige i bransjer som automatisering, transport og produksjon. Denne modellen er utstyrt med 4G LTE, Wi-Fi og to Ethernet-porter, noe som gjør den ideell for raskt oppsett av primær- og backup-tilkobling med fjernadministrasjonsmuligheter.

SKU: RUT200010000
RUT241 Industrial Cellular Router, 4G, Wifi, WAN, RMS

RUT241 er utstyrt med 4G LTE, Wi-Fi og to Ethernet-porter, og tilbyr uavbrutt tilkoblingskontinuitet med automatisk WAN failover. Industriell design, kompakt størrelse, flere tilkoblingsgrensesnitt og kompatibilitet med RMS gjør denne enheten til et utmerket valg i mange IoT- og M2M-løsninger.

SKU: RUT241010000
RUT361 Industrial Cellular Router

SKU: RUT361100000
RUT901 Industrial Cellular Router

The RUT901 cellular router delivers the top-rated features of its predecessors, the RUT950 and RUT951, to the market. The device ensures high-performance, providing automatic WAN failover to an available backup connection, guaranteeing network continuity and eliminating downtime.

SKU: RUT901000000
RUT906 4G LTE RS232/RS485 Router

SKU: RUT906000000
RUT951 Industrial Cellular Router 4G, Dual-SIM, WiFi, WAN

RUT951 features dual-SIM cellular connectivity combined with Wi-Fi and four Ethernet interfaces to meet the needs of the most varied IoT scenarios. Powered by RutOS, this router offers advanced customization options, automation features, and top-level security for your solution.

SKU: RUT951000000
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